

Tonight, I ate Chanpon with my sister:) It made by my sister.She is absorbed in cooking recently, so she is cooking on every weekend. Until now, she made Curry, Nikujaga, Buta-soup, Tenopura,food boiled and seasoned, and so on. She often says "cooking is part of her life!!"

In my case, I want to try to cook, but I have to study almost everyday i couldn't cook any way... To tell the truth, I'm cooking some recipe like miso-soup, hashed rice, Curry and so on. If I have free time, I want to try to cook like my sister and I want my family to praise a lot.

2 件のコメント:

Yumi さんのコメント...

Hi, Maiko-san!
It's been a quite while since we met.
I really want to talk with you!

And Thank you for making comment.
Hope you have a great summer holiday!

Maiko さんのコメント...

Oh, Thank you very much for your response\(^^\)I'm really glad to get your comment♪♪

Yes! Let's talk with you if you have free(^~^)

