
Teiki Shiken

1.0. Movie Reviews

1.1. Showcase
[+ links] Dates on blog
¶ W Notes
Toy Story              08.01.29         4 377 
Kill Bill              07.11.18         6 476
Romeo and Juliet              07.11.06         5 361
Mrs Doubtfire             07.11.19         5 448
School of Rock/Forest Gump             07.12.03         6 510
Lilo & Stich/Shrek
            07.12.18         6 435
Totals 32 2607 ---

¶: number of paragraphs three or more sentences in length


A lot of snow in Gifu!!

My brother lived in Gifu and there are a lot of snow when it comes to Winter. In kumamoto, there are few snows and this things made me sad, becasuse I love snow so much^^

My brother is studying book keeping everyday, becasue he wants to be a Tax accountant. I'm also interested in this subject, but my brain was bothering now><;
If I graduated from KGU, I'm starting about what I want to be in the near future...

Coming of Age day☆

Yesterday, my couin came my house and she attended the comeing of age day. She wore the Kimono and she was very cute and nice!! Three years ago, I attended the coming of age day and I wore the Kimono. In those days, I lent this kimono from my mother. That's is why, I wore her Kimono. This kimono was violet. This day was very important for me and I remind sometimes. So, I want to wear Kimono once more. Next time, I want to make tea-serving manners also♪

My usually weekend

This week, we have three holidays. I am really looking forward to coming this weekends. One of the weekend hokidays are the labor thinks giving day, so we have three holidays. By the way, this weekend I want to clean up my house more and more because my house needs to clean more, so my families are cleaning little by little. Thanks to my families’ cooperation, my house is getting clear and clear. I was really glad to clean up my house, because to keep cleaning, our feeling felt better everyday. I decided to clean my house. By the way, do you want to spend your weekend every one? I like to walk around Kumamoto castle every day in the morning, In spring, I and my father walked around there. when it comes to next Spring, I want to walk again!!
